Archive, Documentaries

The prologue of the art exhibition and its catalogue by Buu Y on the special occasion of the grand opening combined with the art exhibition of Boi Tran Garden (formerly Boi Tran Art Gallery or Boi Tran Gallery) at 17 Tran Hung Dao, Hue, early 1995.

Boi Tran Garden officially held the grand opening, along with the very first art exhibition of Vietnamese contemporary artists. Works present in the event by Nguyen Trung, Hoang Dang Nhuan, Trinh Cong Son, Tran Van Thao, Do Hoang Tuong, Nguyen Tan Cuong, Hong Viet Dung, Do Quang Em, Dang Xuan Hoa, Ho Huu Thu, Truong Be, Vinh Phoi, Buu Chi, Dinh Cuong, Tran Luu Hau,… Its epilogue written by Trinh Cong Son, and the catalogue front page designed by Buu Chi.

Boi Tran Garden (formerly Boi Tran Art Gallery or Boi Tran Gallery), known as one of the pioneering privately owned art galleries in Vietnam and the very first and only one in the onetime Imperial city of Hue, is proud to be an exquisite international compound for art, antiques, later the Hue-era culinary culture which gave Hue its reputation as a food capital, continues today and traditional architecture blended with French Indochina influences.


Tant que la ville de Hué n'a pas sa galerie de peintures, les artistes plastiques ne seront pas les seuls à sentir cette sorte de prolongement à leur être qui leur fait défaut. Car il y a aussi tous les autres qui ne s'en sentent pas plus tranquilles. Et ceux-cise composent de personnes venues de tous les horizons, de personnes sur place aussi qui ont souvent besoin de l'ágrément d'un relais, et encore d'alter ego qui, sur les ailes des couleurs, voleraient l'espace d'une minute vers un ailleurs ou quelque recoin poussiéreux de leur mémoire.

Des galeries du genre ayant bien vu le jour, à des époques différents dans le passé, on n'en attend pas moins une d'effectivement symphonique ouverte au possible aux régions du pays.
Pourquoi aller à contre-courant?

La galerie n'est pas un luxe. Faisant antichambre à la culture, elle est le réceptacle des essences d'une terre, des voix minimisées en attente d'une amplification ultérieure. A défaut d'être un rendez-vous de l'esprit, des sentiments et des générations, elle fait pour le moins figure d'un endroit où les pas passagers, volontairement perdus et feutrés, cèdent la place à la dégustation contemplative et aux résonances.
Pourquoi aller à contre-courant?

Hué, c'est la terre de la culture, de l'art, du tourisme, de la formation académique, et aussi de bénédiction naturelle pour les inspirés. Sa vocation est de "se lever et de se faire mandater.

Tant que la ville de Hué n'a pas son espace d'exposition des oeuvres d'art digne de ce nom, tous ceux qui pensent plus ou moins à elle seront de l'avis que l'homme n'aura pas fait tous les rites qu'il faut eu égard à la nature et à l'histoire.


If there had not been any art exhibition, the artists would have missed something in connection with and on their own path, of which and what they have not been assured of themselves. Then, other guests and lovers of art, who have come from parts of the world, would find somewhere for admiration and satisfaction, also the art partners would want to get in and into the colourful wings, from far away or back to this mossy green of recollection.

At different times, several art galleries have been born but not actually fulfilled and expected en masse.
How ungrateful is it?

Art painting exhibition is not as luxurious as that has been thought of by others. Typically it is a cultural approach, a model of flowery land, of the artful whispering in the future. Should it have not been a location for spiritual, cultural intersection for all ages, it would at least be a place for the ones who come to see it with silent, admiring contemplation.
How isn't it grateful?

Representing the land of culture, art tradition and tourism and various schools, Hue has given birth to numerous talents with her famous mountain and river and said to itself "stand up", and gotten confidence from everybody.

One no art exhibitions have been organized with their actual sense, there would not have been any complete, conventional conformality to the land and her history.