Le Pho pursue his art with much enthusiasm as he paints his favorite themes such as the Vietnamese ladies or bunch of flowers (always painted, freshly cut) and, also, because the contract allows him to access the american market, a dream for all european and asian artists. The Findlay’s period will last close to 20 years till Le Pho was victim of a terrible road accident (in 1990) after which he will never be able to paint again.
These periods, evidently, overlap with each other. Dates should not be seen as strict delimitations, but – as periods of the past - and periods of influence. Over the years, a painter allows himself repetitions, repentance and amnesia.
I would like, if I’m allowed, to mention two personal memories.
Le Pho, in his apartment Rue de Vaugirard in Paris, would allow his admirers to photograph him with his paint brush in the right hand and his palette in the left hand: but the painting behind him remained unfinished year after year…
Also, one day in 1995, I remember asking him: "Master, which is your preferred period ?".
With no hesitation, he answered, "my Findlay period".
Jean-François Hubert